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Why choose FirstWord Pharma+?
Discover news and insights of importance to you with MyFW+ customization
Monitor an unlimited number of products, companies, conditions, medical meetings, regulatory areas, and more to populate your MyFW+ Stories page and daily newsletter with relevant content. Never miss critical developments of importance to your success and your company’s success.
Leverage timely, event-driven physician insights, analysis and views
Exclusive access to innovative thinking and credible intelligence on major news developments, issues, and events. Our expert editorial team takes a deep dive into daily news by providing content produced from physician polls and first-hand interviews with KOLs, ensuring you stay up-to-date in a dynamic market.
Access over 1.5 million pieces of credible content
With over 15 years of searchable news archives, gain unlimited access to content developed from comprehensive coverage of 8,000 worldwide news sources, 2,300 medical journals, 100+ international medical conferences, 120 regulatory bodies, and more.
Learn how FirstWord’s services can help you gain a competitive edge by making key decisions with speed and confidence.
FirstWord Pharma+ saves you time and effort by providing comprehensive coverage of the pharma industry and timely, impartial intelligence anywhere, anytime, on any device.
Make key decisions with speed and confidence by understanding the implications the latest news and intelligence has on you, your products, your company, and your markets.
FirstWord Pharma+ saves you time and effort by providing comprehensive coverage of the pharma industry and timely, impartial intelligence anywhere, anytime, on any device.
Make key decisions with speed and confidence by understanding the implications the latest news and intelligence has on you, your products, your company, and your markets.